Hong Kong

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$ (HKD)

Work Hours


Hong Kong is officially known as the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (HKSAR). It is a special administrative region within China. Approximately 7.5 million people live on the 1,104-kilometer island, making it one of the world’s most densely populated areas. Hong Kong is distinguished by a highly diverse population, low taxes and a relatively low level of governmental interference in private-sector industries, which offers multiple opportunities for companies considering expansion in Asia.

In Hong Kong, a written employment contract should include:

  • the names of the employer and employee,

  • the location of the employer and where the work is to be performed,

  • salary, payment intervals and any bonuses,

  • vacation and other leave entitlements,

  • duration (if for a fixed term),

  • probation period (if applicable), and

  • the notice period and other requirements related to termination of the employment contract.

The employment contract must be signed by both the employer and employee.

There are no fixed working hours in Hong Kong and the number of hours an employee works will depend on the position and industry. However, it is common for employees to work 44 hours a week. Expectations around the number of working hours and days, as well as rest periods and overtime, should be detailed in the employment contract.

Employees in Hong Kong receive two days of sick leave per month and four days per month after the first year, up to a maximum of 120 days. Employees can use their sick leave allowance if they are out of the office for four consecutive days, have a medical certificate, and have accumulated enough paid sick days.

Female employees receive 14 weeks of maternity leave in Hong Kong. Two to four weeks of leave may be taken before birth, with the remaining taken following the birth. Maternity leave can be extended for a number of reasons, including illnesses related to the employee's pregnancy or birth. To qualify for maternity leave, employees must have 40 weeks of service and have worked a minimum of 18 hours per week. Expectant mothers who do not meet these qualifications can still take a reduced amount of leave. Male employees are entitled to five days of paternity leave if they have at least 40 weeks of service, they are the father of a newborn child or a father-to-be, have been employed under a continuous contract, and have given the required notification to the employer.

Bonuses in Hong Kong are common but not required. If bonuses are included as part of an employee’s compensation package, they are typically paid at the end of the year or the end of the employment contract.

Employees in Hong Kong receive seven days of paid annual vacation after a year of continuous employment. Vacation leave increases by one day per year, starting in year three, until it reaches 14 days per year in the ninth year of service. Employees can carry over unused vacation days into the following year.

In Hong Kong, the public holidays are:

  • The first day of January

  • Lunar New Year’s Day

  • The second day of Lunar New Year

  • The third day of Lunar New Year

  • Ching Ming Festival

  • Labor Day

  • Tuen Ng Festival

  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day

  • The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

  • Chung Yeung Festival

  • National Day

  • Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Christmas Day (optional)

In addition to public holidays, some Hong Kong employers also offer:

  • Good Friday

  • The day following Good Friday

  • Easter Monday

  • Buddha’s Birthday

  • Eighth day of the fourth month (Lunar calendar)

  • The day following Christmas Day

Hong Kong has a mix of public and private healthcare systems. Employers often offer health insurance.

Employment in Hong Kong may be terminated at the end of the contract (if for a fixed-term), by the employer (with or without cause), or by the employee. The employment contact can be terminated by the employer or an employee via issuing notice period of a month, or payment in lieu of notice. Eligible employees are entitled to severance in the amount of 66% of monthly wages for each year service up to a maximum amount. Severance can be offset by any contributions the employer has made to the pension fund.

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    Partnering with Atlas when expanding into Hong Kong can dramatically reduce the standard brick and mortar processes of doing business in foreign markets and allow you to focus on what you do best, growing your company! To discover more about how Atlas can simplify your ability to expand globally, please feel free to contact us.

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