Democratic Republic of the Congo

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₣ (CDF)

Work Hours


The Democratic Republic of Congo is a Central African country in sub-Saharan Africa. While it is primarily a French-speaking country, there are more than 200 languages spoken throughout the nation. The country has a wealth of natural resources. The deposits of minerals located within the DRC’s borders are estimated by to be worth trillions of dollars. The country is also one of the world’s largest distributors of cobalt ore. The strategic location and abundant economic potential of the Democratic Republic of Congo create opportunities for businesses considering expansion into the area.

Employment contracts in the Democratic Republic of Congo should be written and contain the names and details of both the employer and the employee, work hours, salary, benefits, work conditions, the notice period for termination, as well as the start date and, if applicable, the end date.

The standard workweek in the Democratic Republic of Congo is 45 hours. Overtime is capped at 12 hours a week and 144 hours annually. The employer must pay an employee 130% of their basic wage for the first six hours of overtime and 160% for overtime higher than six hours.

Employees can take up to six months of sick leave in the Democratic Republic of Congo if they are unable to work due to illness or an accident. Employers must pay two-thirds of an employee’s wages while they are on sick leave.

An employee’s contract is suspended while they are on leave for sickness, but they continue to accrue leave.

Female employees receive 14 weeks of paid maternity leave in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with six weeks to be taken before the birth and a maximum of eight weeks after childbirth. Maternity leave is paid at two-thirds of the employee’s salary.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has a minimum wage. Bonuses are not required.

Employees in the Democratic Republic of Congo receive 12 days of annual leave in the Democratic Republic of Congo after one year of service. They receive one day of annual leave for every month worked.

After every five years of service, employees receive an extra additional day of annual leave.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the public holidays are:

  • New Year's Day

  • Martyrs of Independence Day

  • Anniversary of President Laurent Kabila’s Assassination

  • Anniversary of Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba’s Assassination

  • May Day

  • Liberation Day

  • Independence Day

  • Parents' Day

  • Christmas Day

Private health insurance is recommended in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The period for giving notice of termination to employees in the Democratic Republic of Congo depends on how the employee is classified. For most workers, the notice period in 14 days for the first year, increasing seven days each year. For supervisors, the notice period starts at one month, increasing nine days each year. For managers, the notice period is three months for the first year and increases by 16 days each year.

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An image of a group of women and men working together