Antigua & Barbuda

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Work Hours


An island nation in the West Indies, Antigua & Barbuda is made up of two major islands and several smaller ones. English is the official language, but Spanish is widely spoken. Tourism is the primary industry. Antigua & Barbuda also is a well known banking and financial services hub. An investment-friendly economy combined with political and economic stability make Antigua & Barbuda an ideal location for expansion.

Employers must provide employees in Antigua & Barbuda with an employment contract within 10 days of the start of employment that includes the job duties and responsibilities, work hours, salary details, vacation and other leave benefits and probation period (if applicable). Employment contracts can be for a fixed period or indefinite. If the employment contract is for a fixed duration, the end date should be included in the employment contract.

The standard workweek in Antigua & Barbuda is 48 hours or eight hours per day over six days. Overtime is typically 150% of the basic wage for the first four hours over normal work hours and double the basic wage for hours over that. Employees receive at least 24 hours of consecutive rest in a period of seven days in a row. Special rules apply to younger workers.

Eligible employees in Antigua & Barbuda receive paid sick leave after the third day of illness for up to 26 weeks. Sick leave can be extended to 39 weeks with a doctor’s certificate. Employees may be able to receive a percentage of salary while on leave if they meet certain requirements.

Female employees receive between six and 13 weeks of paid maternity leave in Antigua & Barbuda, as well as a maternity grant. Employees on maternity leave will earn a percentage of their average weekly earnings. The maternity grant is a one-time payment for each child delivered. There is no statutory paternity leave.

Bonuses based on performance are common in Antigua & Barbuda but not required. Employees are also entitled to a basic minimum wage.

Employees receive up to 12 days of paid annual leave in Antigua & Barbuda. Both the employer and employee must agree on the vacation date and vacations are paid in advance.

In Antigua & Barbuda, the public holidays are:

  • New Year’s Day

  • Good Friday

  • Easter Monday

  • Labor Day

  • Whit Monday

  • Carnival Monday

  • Carnival Tuesday

  • Independence Day

  • V. C. Bird Day

  • Christmas Day

  • Boxing Day

Most employers offer private healthcare insurance in Antigua & Barbuda.

Employers in Antigua & Barbuda need just cause to dismiss an employee, which can include employee misconduct, poor performance or economic reasons. Notice of termination generally is required except in a limited set of circumstances. The notice period is one month. Employees receive one day of severance per month of service after they have 12 months of service.

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    Partnering with Atlas when expanding into Antigua & Barbuda can dramatically reduce the standard brick and mortar processes of doing business in foreign markets and allow you to focus on what you do best, growing your company! To discover more about how Atlas can simplify your ability to expand globally, please feel free to contact us.

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